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Monday, June 15, 2015

[SGI-ToMyFriends-Wagatomo] 15th June 2015 Daily Gosho + 16th June Daily Encouragement


* We have a national press holiday in Japan to give all that are involved in producing a newspaper a rest! Therefore there is no "To My Friends" today but as our long time readers know that will not stop us bringing the very latest to you! Have a great week!…

Monday, June 15th, 2015
"When that is done, then both oneself and others together will take joy in their possession of wisdom and compassion."

(Chapter Eighteen: The Benefits of Responding with Joy
- The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, page 146)
Selection source: From Latin America Study Course in Brazil,
Seikyo Shimbun, June 14th, 2015

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015
"Buddhism teaches that 'It is the heart that is important' (WND-1, 1000). As long as our hearts are true and pure, taking the Buddha's great vow for the happiness of all people as our own, all our efforts for kosen-rufu will turn into benefits. Everything is determined by our heart, our spirit of faith.

"The Daishonin always deeply treasured the sincerity of his disciples. He expressed his profound gratitude to them, often saying that he was moved to tears.

"Responding to sincerity with sincerity—that is how true bonds are formed between people. This is the Daishonin's spirit and also the Soka spirit of treasuring each individual. Leaders must never forget for an instant the Daishonin's golden words, 'It is the heart that is important.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 9254, Learning from the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: The Teachings for Victory, [67] "The Two Kinds of Faith." The Buddhist Spirit of Placing Utmost Importance on the "Heart", from the October 2014 issue of the Daibyaku-renge, translation released 11th June, 2015

--- KYO NO GOSHO ---
(Gosho Zenshu, page 761)


Posted by: Scobie-john Le May-Grellan <sjlmg6@yahoo.com>
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