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Monday, April 10, 2017

[SGI-ToMyFriends-Wagatomo] 10th April 2017 Daily Gosho plus 11th April Daily Encouragement


* There is a Japanese national press holiday today to let all the staff take a rest. It means therefore that there is no "To My Friends" today. But we move on even so! … 

Monday, April 10th, 2017
"Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?" 

(Reply to Kyō'ō 
- WND, Vol. I, page 412)
Selection source: 
Soka Gakkai member's experience, 
Seikyo Shinbun, April 9th, 2017

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017
"The term 'many in body' [of 'many in body, one in mind']—which can also be translated as 'different in body'—means that we each have our own unique personalities, talents, roles to play, and so on. In a general sense, 'one in mind'—or, 'one in heart'—means sharing a common goal or common values. More specifically, in Nichiren Buddhism, it means sharing faith in the Mystic Law and the great vow for kosen-rufu.

"The unity of 'many in body, one in mind' in Buddhism refers to the individual and the group harmonising based on the Law. It indicates a richly diverse and dynamic community of capable individuals who inspire one another in their efforts to advance kosen-rufu.

"In his writings, the Daishonin stresses this unity of purpose, first of all, as the key to achieving success and victory in all endeavours, and, secondly, as absolutely vital in achieving kosen-rufu in the Latter Day of the Law, which is a struggle between the Buddha and devilish functions. He also expresses his firm conviction that as long as he and his disciples are solidly united in their commitment for kosen-rufu, they will be able to triumph over even the most formidable obstacles.  

"The spirit of 'many in body, one in mind,' in a sense, represents the ultimate manifestation of the 'strategy of the Lotus Sutra' (WND-1, 1001), which is chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon—specifically, chanting with a shared commitment for kosen-rufu.

"Kosen-rufu will not advance, even with the best-laid plans or strategies, without such united prayer. Strong prayer based on unity will also give rise to tremendous momentum. So even if individuals who seek to disrupt the unity of our movement should appear, their negative influence will be rebuffed by everyone's focused resolve.

"When we advance in the united spirit of 'many in body, one in mind' based on chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the realisation of kosen-rufu, we generate a powerful forward impetus and the energy to secure victory. Everyone who shares in this spirit will be able to work together harmoniously and feel joy even in the midst of difficult struggles. Unity of purpose holds the key to creating such a rhythm of victory, a rhythm of dynamic activity."

SGI Newsletter No. 9583, The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, Part 3: Kosen-rufu and World Peace, Chap. 23: The Unity of "Many in Body, One in Mind"—Part 1 [of 2], 23.2 A Harmonious Community of Practitioners in Accord with the Buddha's Intent, adapted from a lecture on "The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life," published in Japanese in February 2008, translation released 6th April, 2017.

* The Japanese kanji is available by clicking on Seikyo Shinbun's web-site address at

--- KYO  NO GOSHO ---
(Gosho Zenshu - Page 1124)


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